
In todays companies there are a lot of processes. These processes are supported by workflow systems In the WISE project a solution for heterogeneous and distributed systems was developed to support inter-company workflows.

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In todays companies there are a lot of processes. These processes are supported by workflow systems In the WISE project a solution for heterogeneous and distributed systems was developed to support inter-company workflows.

In order to design such kind of inter-company workflow the software IvyFrame by IVY Team supports the procedure of design and simulate this kind of workflows. The IVY-Beans project links the WISE Workflow Engine and IvyFrame in order to design and monitor running processes.

This way a workflow administrator can do the whole lifecycle of a workflow whithin one single tool, from design over simulate to the monitoring part.

An additional Feature of our administration console is to zoom into processes running un the unterlaying Subsystem. This way the WISE system get informed on reached milestones in the subsystem.


A. Lazcano, G. Alonso, H. Schuldt, and C. Schuler, The WISE Approach to Electronic Commerce. In: International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering. Special Issue on Flexible Workflow Technology Driving the Networked Economy, September 2000.

A. Naef, C. Schuler, and H. Schuldt, Monitoring komplexer Dienste in unternehmensübergreifenden Prozesse am Beispiel von SAP R/3 Business Workflows. In: Proceedings if the 9.th Fachtagung "Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft" (BTW'01), Oldenburg, Germany, March 2001.

contacts: Prof. H.-J. Schek

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