INVENT: Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises

This Project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) within the main emphasis program SPP I&K. INVENT is a continuation of the recently concluded project WISE also funded by the SNF.

The goal of the INVENT project is to develop a coherent Electronic Commerce software platform for enterprise networks that can be easily and seamlessly exploited in small and medium enterprises.

A key aspect is the application of publish/subscribe techniques to implement a distributed process support system that accounts for the flexibility and, at the same time, for the execution guarantees required by processes in Electronic Commerce.

Visit also the official INVENT project summary of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the INVENT project page maintained by the Netacademy.


24 month




SFr. 564'230.- by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)


Prof. G. Alonso (Main Contractor & Project Leader)
Prof. B. Plattner (TIK, ETH Zürich)
Prof. K. Dittrich (IFI, University of Zürich)
Prof. D. Tsichritzis (GUI, University of Geneva)

Christian Kobel (VSM, Geneva)

Related Research Area

Transactional Coordination in Composite Systems

Related Research Projects

Transactional Process Management
Pub/Sub: Distributed Process Management

contacts: Prof. H.-J. Schek

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