Implementation and Performance of Multi-level Transaction Management in Multidatabase Environment

Title Implementation and Performance of Multi-level Transaction Management in Multidatabase Environment
Author(s) W. Schaad, H.-J. Schek, G. Weikum
Type inproceedings
Booktitle Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Distributed Object Management, RIDE-DOM'95
Taipei, Taiwan
Organization Institute of Information Systems, ETH Zurich
Month March
Year 1995


The 2PC protocol together with strict 2PL can be considered as a de-facto standard for distributed transaction processing. However, 2PC is often unacceptable from a performance and execution autonomy point of view. Multi-level transaction management offers an alternative solution that allows early commits of subtransactions and thus improves performance and execution autonomy. While the theory of this approach is well established, a practical evaluation in a multi-database environment is still lacking. This paper describes a prototype implementation and initial measurements that compare transaction processing with 2PC versus distributed multi-level transaction management. Although we used SQL in our examples, the concepts presented here are applicable to any notion of distributed object management system.
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